FFK Journal

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Harfest, 2022

On Saturday 24th, September 2022, Harfest returned to Millbrook. Following two years of absence, this, our sixth community festival, created by the Family Foraging Kitchen, was able to once again welcome businesses, charities, and guests from across the Rame Peninsula to celebrate the end of a busy summer and the prosperity of the community.

Prior to the sun rising that morning, we realised that the festival was set to be bigger than before, but it wasn’t until stalls and stages had been set up that the reality set in. There were more traders, activities, and attendees than ever before. Coupled with the clear skies and a whole day of brilliant sunshine, Harfest was set to be a huge success.

Great weather, however, was only a small part of that which made the day so special and what we found to be truly warming was the inclusive and intergenerational atmosphere. The day’s photographs, taken by the local photographer Dom Moore, capture this perfectly, showcasing all attendees, from children to the eldery, laughing and dancing as each enjoys the creative and delicious contributions from others in the community.

All were made to feel welcome and part of the reason Millbrook park is chosen as a venue is because of its ease of accessibility, especially for those with mobility issues. Alongside many local and familiar faces in attendance, we learned that a significant number visited from further afield too, travelling, no doubt, to taste the famous Ahoy! Fish and Chips or to see brilliant Derndingle perform live as the sun sets. We’re still in the process of calculating each trader’s success for our impact report but initial feedback and figures are overwhelmingly positive, demonstrating a significant boost to businesses, which is made all the more welcome following two years of COVID and various lockdowns.

We want to thank each and every person who made this event possible. The list is incredibly long, demonstrating truly how much of a community event Harfest really is, but Vix, the woman behind the festival put together an extensive collective Thank You! On the Harfest Facebook page, which can be found here.