
The Family Foraging Kitchen is a social enterprise that has a profound respect for nature and the environment, as well as good business practice.

We recognise that our activities will have an effect on the environment at a local and larger scale. We believe that it is our responsibility to make sure that any course or event we run is structured in such a way that does not have an overall or ongoing negative impact on the environment.

We ensure that we are following good environmental practices at all times, following both the countryside code and the Environment Agency’s recommendations with the intention of continually improving our practices.

We take pride in our educational work, striving to keep our environmental impact positive or, when negative, to an absolute minimum.

We comply with local and regional environmental legislation, regulations and codes of practice governing our activities and often try to exceed these basic legal obligations.

It is part of the Family Foraging Kitchen’s values to be an ethical, responsible and environmentally sound organisation which we believe this policy shows.

Our Ethics

The Family Foraging Kitchen will…

• Manage our environmental impact by ensuring we are compliant with all relevant environmental legislation and review our environmental policy when new information/ legislation come to light.

• Provide clear, logical and researched training to instructors and customers about the impact of activities on the environment.

• Encourage our collaborators, volunteers and customers to live in an environmentally responsible way and to think about the impact of what they do on a day-to-day basis regarding the environment.

• Respect the wild spaces we have the privilege of visiting and take steps to ensure the protection of biodiversity using good countryside practice.

• Never pick threatened or endangered plant life and always focus on prevalent species that are in abundance.  Never take more than we need and never take more than ten percent of the available plant to ensure species propagation and spread.

• Be aware of invasive species and report them where appropriate.

• Ensure that any animals or fish that we use as part of our wild butchery courses are treated ethically and respectfully. 
Strive to use all parts of any animal we use so that waste is kept to an absolute minimum.

• Strive to use products with as low a carbon footprint as possible.

• Use recyclable, environmentally friendly materials as an absolute priority and ensure that we reuse any consumables where possible.
We print all of our promotional materials on 100% recycled paper/card using environmentally sustainable vegetable inks.

• Promote and encourage the planting of bee and insect encouraging species to all.

• Work with our suppliers to help us achieve sustainability.

• Support the principles of fair trade.

• Manage our own home in an environmentally and biodiversity-sensitive manner and encourage others to do so.

• To work with our community, neighbours and business partners to progress environmental initiatives and exchange best practice, and incorporate best practice in our own environmental management.

• To promote awareness across our community of the need to achieve sustainable use of resources for the benefit of the community and society as a whole.

• Use public transport, our feet and our bikes where possible and encourage people visiting the Family Foraging Kitchen to do the same.

• Encourage everyone to reduce their reliance on agriculturally produced foods. We also undertake to inform customers of the problems inherent in our current food production and purchasing culture.


The Family Foraging Kitchen’s ethos is that wild food education should be accessible to all. Our community walks are, as far as we know, the cheapest in Cornwall and possibly the UK! Our private bookings also offer excellent value for customers.